The Importance of Content Marketing

The following is a guest post by Jared M. Wells from TSL Marketing:

“The fourth Quarter is an interesting time for B2B Sales and Marketing professionals, you’re focused on closing the year with strong numbers.  Being in sales, I’m guilty of thinking low hanging fruit is the most appetizing, at times.  However, I have to ask myself if I’m cutting myself short.

Image by TSL MarketingSales and Marketing teams work diligently throughout the year filling sales pipeline and often times lead generation efforts go to waste when the sales team is focused primarily on short sales. Buying intent is often underestimated with longer-term opportunities and leads are overlooked.

This is why it is important to enable your sales team with tele-prospecting support and lead nurturing tactics. This helps assure that you will get you more mileage out of your pipeline and leads will not slip through the cracks.

The Importance of Content Marketing

B2B marketers have gotten more sophisticated with technology and taken steps towards better alignment with sales in recent years; because of this many coin 2010 as “The Year of Content Marketing” Sirius Decisions released some excellent research in this area. Content generated will have the most impact if it’s targeted to the prospect’s position along the Buyer’s Journey:

by TSL Marketing

“Content is Key” but be warned – it’s not just about content…  A recent study by IDG Market Fusion determined that in only 42% of cases, prospects received relevant content; that means 58% of the time the WRONG content is being shared. Marketing Sherpa also discovered that irrelevant or off-target information reduces your chance to win the business by as much as 45%. Keep it relevant!

Leveraging your Inside Sales Team for Lead Progression

Longer-term deals require time and attention in order to realize their full potential.  Automated Lead Nurturing is great, however nothing beats an actual conversation!  Leveraging inside sales for lead qualification will help ensure proper lead nurturing, and most importantly, pipeline acceleration are taking place.

Inside Sales is best suited to enable the Sales Team by qualifying and helping to ensure proper content is being provided. This will enable the field sales team to do what they do best, focus on closing deals.  If history has shown us anything: That’s what they’ll do, regardless.

To learn more on the importance of lead progression, TSL Marketing recently released a free whitepaper, “The Payoffs of Lead Progression”. In this whitepaper you will learn how you can increase lead conversion rates by upwards of 44%.”

15 thoughts on “The Importance of Content Marketing”

  1. Excellent blog! Valuable insight into the world of Lead Progression and Nurturing. In this current climate all efforts and initiatives must be supported by the appropriate content, at the right cadence. I look forward to more from you JW !


  2. Jared, excellent post on Content Marketing. I especially liked your comment about “nothing beats and actual conversation”. Great Job!


  3. Given the cyclical nature of sales even some of the best sales executives make the mistake of changing from originator to closer as the end of the fiscal year approaches. I think Jared says it best: “often times lead generation efforts go to waste when the sales team is focused primarily on short sales”. Good article and a much needed reminder as we approach the end of the year.


  4. Richard,

    Thanks for your comment, I completely agree that this is a good reminder for everyone as we approach the end of the year. What sales execs do in Q4 will either make us or break us in Q1.




  5. Hi Jared,

    Great article! What content are you currently finding to be more effective for inside sales team while qualifying contacts – written pieces like white papers or short videos like brainsharks?




  6. Hi Christina,

    That’s an excellent question! I see value in written pieces like white papers and case studies as well as short videos.

    From a sales perspective, I look to marketing to provide a wide range of content, which addresses each position of the buyer’s journey. This marketing support has enabled me to keep content relevant and it has personally helped me to increase lead and close rates.

    Thank you for commenting!



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